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Anxiety Disorder

Some Common Myths About Anxiety Disorders That You Should Know About

According to studies conducted across the globe, anxiety disorder is the most common of all mental illnesses. Not only that, but it is also one of the most pervasive ones.

This disorder can be so debilitating that if you are suffering from it you can have irrational fears take over your mind and body while experiencing an anxiety attack.

In simple terms, if you feel distressed and frightened for no apparent reason at all then it is highly likely that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder.

However, despite being such a common affliction around the world there are still certain myths and misconceptions as to what causes anxiety disorder and what it is, and how to go about treating it.

what causes anxiety disorder

The important thing for you to do is not to pay attention to everything that you hear. Consult a specialist if you feel that your symptoms are becoming severe.


  • It isn’t a real disorder – Many people still believe that anxiety is a silly disorder that people exaggerate. But this cannot be further from reality.

While everyone of us experiences some degrees of anxiety in our everyday lives, those who suffer from anxiety disorders have intense fears and their symptoms can interfere with their everyday activities. For them, it is very much a medical problem.

anxiety disorder causes

Some people with anxiety disorders might even suffer from other mental health issues and can turn to alcohol and drugs in an attempt to cope with their problems. These extra issues need co-occurring disorder treatment in order to improve both the conditions.

  • Medical treatment is the only out – Although medication is the best treatment for severe symptoms for anxiety disorders, this is by no means the only treatment.

You can always combine cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT and other individualized therapy methods to increase the chances of long-term success. CBT can also be more effective in certain types of anxiety disorders.

  • Therapy should focus on the root cause of the disorder – Yet another myth that you will come across anxiety is that the treatment of this disorder should focus on the root causes of the disorder.

It’s always helpful to try and get the bottom of why you are feeling anxious, to begin with. However, therapy also works wonders on the present, and if the patient is taught how to manage their thoughts and emotions. In anxiety treatments, you will get to know about how you can combat negative thoughts to reduce the symptoms of anxiety daily.

  • Less stress cures anxiety – Out of all the myths out there about anxiety disorder, one of the biggest ones has to be this which states that if you remove stress from your everyday life then you can remove anxiety.

While living a less stressful life will help you with your symptoms, it can never magically cure your mental health disease. You will be surprised to know that anxiety disorders are not caused by stress.

types of anxiety disorders

You should always go for effective treatment to learn methods as to how to properly manage your symptoms. Learning how to change your thought patterns can be a powerful tool.

  • Panic attacks can cause you to faint – You can feel intense dizziness while you are having a panic attack and you may even start to hyperventilate.

However, this rise in blood pressure will not lead you to faint. As a matter of fact, it is the opposite that causes someone to pass out.

  • You don’t need professional help. You can get over it on your own – This one might just be the most dangerous of all the common myths about anxiety disorders. Many believe that their anxiety will get better over a certain period and that they do not need to see a specialist.

And although working out, eating right, and staying away from caffeine can provide relief from anxiety, you will not see any significant improvement.

myths about anxiety disorders

As a matter of fact, only a third of people who suffer from anxiety actually seek professional help even though it has been proven to be effective.

One study found that medication is helpful for 50% of people while cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is highly effective for over 60% of people.

  • To stop feeling anxious one should suppress their anxious thoughts – This technique might help you to push away your anxious thoughts temporarily but it can also make your anxiety disorder worse in the long run. The thoughts that you suppress might come back stronger and more frequently.

    anxiety disorders treatments

Therefore, it is always better to talk to someone close to you or a therapist about the things that are bothering you the most. This way you will feel a big burden has been lifted off your chest.

Hopefully, this article has been able to shed some light on the myths and facts about anxiety disorders. Remember to steer clear from the myths that float about and seek professional advice whenever you feel you need one.