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treatments for generalized anxiety disorder

Here’s Everything you Need to Know About Treatments for Anxiety Disorder!!

Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD as it is commonly referred to can easily take over your life and it can last for a long time. However, the good news is that there are several viable treatments for generalized anxiety disorder available today that can help you to manage your anxiety and depression levels so that you can live a normal life.

(NOTE: Some medications are sometimes regarded as treatment options although they are used only in severe cases)

There’s a reason why this disorder is called generalized anxiety disorder. And that is because people with GAD aren’t scared of any particular thing or situation but a wide range of things.

This excessive worry usually takes a heavy toll on the person as he/she experiences drowsiness, racing heartbeat, muscle tension, etc. this state of constant worrying is also exhausting, but there are various treatments available that can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety to a tolerable level.

generalized anxiety disorder

It is also important to remember that unlike other forms of anxiety GAD first develops in middle-aged people. However, you must also remember that anxiety can affect people of all ages.


Most people with generalized anxiety disorder don’t even bother to go and see a specialist with their problems. They try to get a grip on their fears on their own by either gathering information from books or the internet. Some even make the effort to learn relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or yoga.

However, no depression and anxiety center for discovery and treatment can provide any substantial evidence as to the effectiveness of these strategies to manage anxiety. And although relaxation techniques are used in psychological treatments, its effectiveness when used alone is not well known.

Many people also try herbal sedatives like lavender, valerian, or passionflower. But there is not much research to back up their effectiveness. Some might even think herbal remedies can be better tolerated and safer than conventional medicines. But even these natural remedies can have side effects and might influence the effects of other medications.

People who try to treat their anxiety on their own usually go for professional help after a very long time. If your anxiety disorder is acting as a hindrance to your everyday life then there specific treatments and medications available that can help you reduce the symptoms.



There are quite a few psychological treatments available for generalized anxiety disorder. CBT or Cognitive behavioral therapy is widely considered to be the best treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.


This form of therapy goes beyond just helping to reduce the symptoms of anxiety as it can also help with the symptoms of depression which usually accompanies generalized anxiety disorder. But it is crucial to remember that as cognitive behavioral therapy involves directly facing your fears; you might find the treatment a bit distressing. And as far as the side effects go no substantial studies have been made so far.

In a country like Germany CBT is offered by behavioral therapists and it is covered by health insurers. It usually involves weekly sessions that span over specific weeks and consists of 2 parts: the cognitive part which deals with the thoughts and feelings, and the other one is the behavioral part.

The cognitive approach aims to change the thought process that triggers anxiety by learning how to:

  • Identify unrealistic anxiety and challenge them.
  • Analyze the actual likelihood and consequences of the things that trigger anxiety.
  • Deal with insecurities.

A good example of a thought pattern that contributes to increased feelings of anxiety is ‘’catastrophizing’’. This means immediately jumping to exaggerated and unrealistic conclusions as a response to a possible threat as soon as something unsettling happens. By detecting these thought patterns with the assistance of a therapist you can try to get rid of them or at least try to learn how to cope with them. Broadly speaking, cognitive behavioral therapy makes you more aware of your thoughts and thus you can control them better.

CBT for Anxiety

The second part of the therapy involves changing your behavior thus helping you to lower your anxiety levels in certain situations. Hear a conscious effort is made to make you face your fears gradually so that you can overcome it. For example, a man living in an apartment might continuously check his front door to make sure that it is locked. Efforts will be made to slowly reduce these checks over a period of time. To make things a little easier, cognitive behavioral therapy also involves certain techniques to help you keep calm like relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.


Other types of treatment programs for anxiety and depression tend to focus more on the possible causes of anxiety, for example, a traumatic childhood event.

There is very little research on the effectiveness of these approaches on patients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. And the few studies that have compared these approaches with cognitive behavioral therapy tell us that they aren’t as helpful and effective as CBT.


There is a wide variety of medications available for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. The most widely used medication is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).


The time taken by these antidepressants which also relieves anxiety, to start providing relief ranges somewhere around 2-6 weeks. The 2 best studied and approved (in Germany) SSRIs for people from generalized anxiety disorder are Escitalopram and paroxetine.

If the medications are found to be effective then they are prescribed for 6-12 months and then the dose is gradually decreased. According to research following this method reduces the risk of the symptoms returning.

SNRIs or selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors: Duloxetine and venlafaxine are the most commonly used SNRIs. Their effect can be closely associated with that of SSRIs.

selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors


Some of the possible side effects of SSRIs and SNRIs include nausea, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction. Some might have a lower sex drive or can’t have an orgasm. But the good news is that most people usually don’t have any side effects.

It’s hard to say whether nausea and insomnia can be attributed as side effects of these medications are quite common problems by themselves. Usually, the body gets used to the medication and the side effects can only occur during the first few weeks. Hence, it is recommended by doctors to wait rather than stopping the treatment as soon as one notices any side effects.


Other than SSRIs and SNRIs there are several other medications available in the market for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. However, they are only considered for treatment if the SSRIs and SNRIs are not effective.


  • Opipramol: This is an anti-depressant whose effectiveness has been very poorly studied. And it is for this reason that they are very rarely used.
  • Pregabalin: Although it is used to treat nerve-related pain, it has been approved worldwide for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Several studies show its effectiveness; however, it can cause dizziness and tiredness.
  • Buspirone: This medication can relieve anxiety but it has not been well studied as the other medications. So they are only used if SSRIs are not effective or aren’t tolerated by the patient. The possible side effects of this drug include nausea, drowsiness, and sleep problems.
  • Hydroxyzine: This is an antihistamine that can be used to reduce the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. But it’s hardly used as there’s less research on the drug when compared to others.
  • Benzodiazepines: These are sedatives that can also relieve anxiety. And although they have a fast effect there is a high risk of becoming dependent on them after a few weeks. This is why they are not recommended for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.


When you are going to decide whether to go for psychological treatments or medication your personal preference and needs will play a huge role. And although the right kind of psychological treatment can be effective it usually takes a lot of determination and motivation on your behalf. You might also need to wait for a long time to get an appointment.

Thus depending on the severity of the condition patients are usually recommended to start taking the medication first. Sometimes it can be difficult to begin psychological treatments until the medication has relieved some of the symptoms.

However, some people are hesitant to start taking anti-depressants as they are afraid that they might become dependent. But the truth of the matter is unlike sleeping pills and painkillers anti-depressants do not lead to dependency.

Some even find it difficult to keep taking the medications regularly while others might stop taking them altogether once they begin to feel better. It is important not to do so without consulting with a specialist.

There are others who feel that being on medication is a sign of weakness although there’s no need to feel ashamed in taking medicines for treating mental illness. In fact, medicines are often necessary to overcome anxiety.

Finally, regardless of what conclusion you come to there are medications and psychological treatments for generalized anxiety disorder that can help you to cope with your problems and assist you in returning to your normal life.