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apps for anxiety 2020

Read on to find out about the top 8 apps for anxiety in 2020

Anxiety is probably one of the most common mental illnesses out there right now and it can be extremely disruptive for those suffering from it.

Dealing with anxiety usually means countless sleepless nights, feeling sick, missed opportunities, and sometimes even severe panic attacks. All these feelings can keep you from feeling like your real self.

Although therapy with a specialist is the best form of treatment but knowing that you have the necessary tools to combat, dissolve, or embrace your anxious thoughts can provide you with that feeling of empowerment between sessions.

So, to help you in managing your anxiety here are some of the top apps for anxiety that you should definitely try out in 2020:

(NOTE: None of these apps are substitutes for professional help.)


  • Calm

It is one of the most popular and best relaxation apps for anxiety out there that also helps with sleep and meditation. The guided meditations in these apps are perfect for both complete novices and seasoned practitioners and needless to say you have the choice to pick how much time you can dedicate each day to this app.

As most of you know, sleep is very important to keep our stress levels in check. However, it becomes extremely hard when you are anxious. Keeping this in mind the creators of this app has added an assortment of natural sounds and sleep stories that will surely put you in a deep state of sleep.

best relaxation apps for anxiety

  • Headspace

This app is specifically targeted at those who are willing to learn meditation to reduce their anxiety levels and improve their awareness and attention. It is excellent for those who are beginners as it helps to develop a regular meditative routine.

Being one of the top apps to help with anxiety some other skills taught by this app includes mindfulness, cognitive diffusion, meditation practice, breathing exercises, and also tips for increased concentration and relaxation.

apps to help with anxiety

What sets this app apart is that it does an excellent job of explaining the basic concepts with a creative interface. It also presents meditation in a user-friendly way with clear instructions; creates an online forum; supplies podcasts; normalizes mind-wandering; and illustrates main points with videos.

  • Colorfy

This app is a bit different as it is basically a coloring book for adults brought into the digital realm. It consists of a wide range of images and sketches that you can choose from and also gives you the option to upload your sketches to color.

You can spend hours in a flow state or focused meditation thanks to this app. It is possible to distract yourself from anxious thoughts by pouring your attention into the beautiful designs thus helping you to stay calm. There is no room for self-critique as well because the click-to-fill function means that you will never stray outside the lines.

  • Dare — Break Free From Anxiety

Like most of the apps mentioned above, this one is also one of the best free apps for anxiety and depression although there some in-app purchases available.

To put it simply, this app encourages you to confront your anxiety and worry. It does so by walking you through audio recordings so that you can sit comfortably with your anxiety instead of avoiding it as avoidance can lead to more severe symptoms of anxiety and depression.

There are on-screen guides that will help you to focus on something while you take deep breathes and other additional helpful content is also available behind the subscription.

  • Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep

Some of the hallmarks of anxiety include racing thoughts and ruminations. However, you can slow down by breathing deeply and clearing your thoughts with the gentle sounds and sights of nature that this app provides.

From thunder and rain to the crackling sound of fires to bird sounds this app has sounds that can soothe everyone. Just set the app timer and listen to the sounds as you gently drift off to a deep state of sleep.

anxiety and depression

You can also set these sounds like an alarm so that you can start your day with a soothing sound.

  • Breathwrk

It is highly probable that you have tried some breathing exercises to counter your anxiety and calm yourself. What the Breathwrk app does is that it takes the science of deep-breathing even further by curating breathing exercises that cater to individual goals like feeling relaxed, falling asleep, alleviating stress, and feeling energized.

Breathwrk app

Another special feature of this app, other than being completely free is that it walks you through the exercises so that you can do them properly and can also send you daily reminders to do the exercises.

  • MindShift

This app was created with the intention of helping adolescents, teens, and young adults understand the techniques of how to manage their anxiety disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, social anxiety, panic attacks, and specific phobias. The app has also been reported to help manage worry, test and performance anxiety, and perfectionism.

The techniques that are taught by this anxiety relief app can be applied to individuals with physical, emotional, cognitive, or behavioral manifestations of anxiety, thus enabling them with better ways of thinking about feared situations.

anxiety relief app

It readily offers active coping strategies that cater to a specific type of anxiety and also various other methods to manage anxiety. The information and techniques are easy to understand. “Chill out” tools such as breathing exercises, mindfulness strategies, and mental imagery are provided in both audio and text format.

The “Quick Tips” section provides instant assistance with anxiety at the moment you begin to feel anxious and you can “favorites” the methods that you find to be most effective for you.

  • Moodnotes

This is one of those apps for anxiety that lets you document your experience with anxiety in all of its forms. The app has been built on the CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques and also on positive psychology and allows those who use it to take control of their entire experience of anxiety.

From taking a picture of your face to visualizing your mood and jotting down your thoughts the moment you feel anxious, to reading educational materials that help in getting out of the cycle of “thought traps” that can keep you feeling anxious, this app offers a variety of techniques that you can choose from.

Have you tried any one of these apps yet?

If you have not then it is recommended that you at least give them a try!!

However, make sure that your therapist knows about the techniques that you are implementing from these apps.